When To Consider Commercial Land Surveying

Commercial land surveying offers vital documentation and information for land owners, buyers, or sellers that may be critical. Determining the boundaries of the plot, the land condition, how you can divide it, and what you can build on the property is essential. Commercial land surveying can help in all these situations, and the survey cost is typically worth it to get the needed results. Defining Boundaries One of the most common reasons to hire a commercial land surveying company is to redefine the countries of a piece of land and update the information on file if you are preparing to sell the land or build on it. [Read More]

What Are Feminized Hemp Seeds?

One of the fastest-growing agriculture industries in the United States is hemp, and that growth is happening rapidly. In 2016, growers planted 9,770 acres of hemp and by 2019 that number had skyrocketed to 511,400 acres. One of the main reasons for hemp's popularity among growers is the extraction of cannabinoids to make hemp products. Cannabinoids are the compounds like CBD in hemp plants that can be used for a wide variety of products from oils to salves to candies. [Read More]

Things You Should Know About Having A Well Drilled On Your Property

If you are considering well drilling for water on your property, there are some things that you may need to consider. A water well can provide you with the fresh water you need, but the amount of water can be different by location, so choosing the best spot for the well is essential.  Finding Water  Before you start the well drilling process, it is essential to look at the geology of the land you are drilling on. [Read More]

What Are Some Of The Best Plant Based Organic Fertilizers?

Commercial crop growers produce a huge amount of fruits and vegetables that are sold in grocery stores all over the country. Without these farmers, it would be very difficult for many people to provide their families with the necessary foods they need to stay healthy. To ensure that commercial crops thrive and flourish, it is important to know which fertilizers to use. Having the proper pH levels in the soil and adding both macronutrients and micronutrients to the soil produces much higher quality crops. [Read More]